What Is Xscapers
“Xscapers is a community within Escapees RV Club created for working-aged RVers.”
The RVing Demographic is Changing
Working on the road or raising a family while nomadic is no longer a rarity but a rapidly growing segment of the RV lifestyle. Modern technology has provided new tools to make life on the road easier, making pursuing this dream increasingly possible for many aspiring RVers. Xscapers embraces this change and is ready to be a part of it with you. This isn’t only our way of life, it’s a conscious ideal.
We are an RV lifestyle group of Escapees RV Club that is inspired by the club’s original roots. Escapees founders Joe and Kay Peterson were just 43 years old and working on the road when they started full-time RVing. When they formed the Escapees RV Club in 1978, 40 percent of the members were under age 50, the majority were still working at least part-time, and nine of the first 100 member-families were traveling full-time with their kids. Xscapers goal is to bring Escapees back to its roots of providing services for working-age RVers.
Escapees continues to be the industry leader for RV lifestyle education. This provides you with a trusted 40-year foundation that enables us to furnish a completely unique set of resources and support while still giving you a club that fits your specific needs.
Exploring Uncharted Space...Together!!
Under the banner of the Escapees lifestyle community catering to working-age RVers, the Convergences have become the heart of Xscapers with events providing education, social activities, and outdoor adventures in a casual gathering.
Convergences include a lightly structured schedule with organized activities that generally take place later in the day to accommodate working RVers and families. Convergences include unique activities such as margarita throwdowns, dance parties, and group grill-outs. These events are often dry camping or boondocking.
Annual Bash
The Xscapers Annual Bash is the ultimate Convergence. It’s the biggest reunion of the year for working-age RVers.
The Annual Bash ushers in the new year with days filled with education, outdoor shenanigans, social games, and community outings. After work hours, the fun continues late into the night with food competitions, live music, and dancing. Many years have even included a rave.