Ed Thor has been with SafeRide Rv for over 10 years and has over 25 years experience in the Roadside and Technical Assistance Industry. He is a certified RV Technician and works directly with Manufacturers, Dealers and Associations in the RV Industry.
Instructor: Wicked Truth
A Wicked Truth show is about the SHOW. The music isn’t the same old stuff everyone plays but IS the music that people universally love. That said, it’s the SHOW that keeps people coming back.
The band plays to the skill-level of such legendary musicians as Slash, Eddie Van Halen, and Jimmy Page. Our advanced Roland drums specifically have the unique ability to perfectly reproduce the sounds of Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Van Halen, and Guns ’n Roses, played to the remarkable technical accuracy of the greats like John Bonham, Alex Van Halen, and even Neil Peart.